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Dom Dolla

"Pump The Brakes"


Concept #1

****** Puppet Tik Tok video ******
- crazy transitions
- basketball trickshots
- at home playing instruments
- viral trends

... but with puppets

Concept #2

****** Pump the brakes puppet ******
- 2000’s pop video puppet
- videos like “Satisfaction” but with puppets
Choreographed dance - with puppets
Paying homage to all the lovely generic videos that decade… but with puppets

Concept #3

****** Dom Dolla Puppet ******
- mustache
- Dj-ing and live streaming from home
- quarantine
- insights from Dom about his past year


Just some early brainstorming ideas in the spirit of collaboration and just being playful. Looking forward to speaking further.

- Amos

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